Thursday, April 16, 2009

Laying down the Communist Law like Broseph Stalin.

...I have a final tomorrow and I can't study. and I have things to do tonight, too.

I miss NYC.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Imogen Heap-Hide and Seek...

is stuck in my head. ...and I'm listening to it, too. :)

Every person I have interacted with has asked me, "What's wrong?".
Do you know what this means?


Oh my god.

One week until Ally and I make our pilgrimage. I am so excited that I can't get anything done.
Sometimes I'm scared of our intensity. Hahahah.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


-when people are flaky!
-when people decide that men are more important than their close friendships, crushing you and making you feel undeserving of their friendship.
-most women.
-when people get too close to me on the T.
-when people put passive aggressive notes on my door even though they are lazy slobs and I just SCRUBBED THE KITCHEN CLEAN FOR YOU
-when my birthday is tomorrow and you won't leave north reading to see me. because you have work. TIL 5 PM. YOU ARE NOT A CHARACTER IN 1984 AND YOU DON'T HAVE A CURFEW.
-when people think that because I'm quiet around them, that I'm harmless and can be taken advantage of. Um, do you KNOW me?
-when I am forced to write blogs about the things I hate because I may possibly explode into a fit of rage at any MOMENT NOW.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I hope you look in my eyes and say "I'm trippin', too."

This has seriously been the best week of my life. Nothing can go wrong.

I saw Britney on Monday and it was pretty insane. We stood for an hour waiting to go up in the escalator. When we finally got on and looked back--oh my god--a sea of faces. It was terrifying and people were screaming. There were acrobats, midgets, clowns, martial artists (lol), and contortionists. It was entertaining. Britney played "Ooh, ooh baby," "If U Seek Amy," and she actually did some choreography. Good for her. I lost my voice because I love her. :(

Ally and I decided to go to NYC on the weekend of April 4th. It was so spontaneous. We're going to take a late bus, loiter around the city in the early hours, and get in line for standby tickets for SNL. We're insane and no one understands. We just have to ask Bethany is she can house us.

I bought tickets for Dan and I for the semi-finals and Championship game of the Hockey East bizarro Beanpot. The thought of spending most of my night at a hockey game on my birthday makes me very happy. I'll see my friends all day, so I'm over it. Hahaha.

I'm supposed to be studying for a Psychobio exam. I am taking a break. I'm almost done with flashcards! I'm so tired but I won't be sleeping much.

As usual.

Jacqui is still here! Ally and Mike should be back soon.

Wow, I'm seeing Bmax tomorrow. I haven't seen her since the Wisdom Teeth Massacre.

That's enough.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My youth | htuoy yM


I just had the weirdest flashback. When I was young and lived on Jordan Street, I used to squeeze the baby powder all over the kitchen floor and run around in it. So, basically, I was a demon-child. Chris, Jesse, and I used to throw eggs and food coloring out of the window into our neighbor's ghetto ass pool in the tiny alley. In the winter, we would throw snowballs (and bologna. I'm surprised we wasted it) at our neighbors car.

I haven't changed.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sleeping well, no bad dreams, no paranoia.

I want to make my own version of "Fitter Happier" by Radiohead. I mean, I can think of at least 50 things I can do to improve my quality of life. Someday.

I'm sitting in bed and it's almost 4AM. Wide Awake. I have nothing good to say right now. My body may be awake but my brain is shutting down. I have this new thing where I watch the same movie every night, and this is the third night I've watched Hot Rod...with commentary.

Wow, how can anyone think I'm remotely cool?

(That's rhetorical.)

Maybe I'll be positive tomorrow?

Oh god, my stomach is confused and thinks it's breakfast. I'm done.