Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This title can kiss my ass.

I remember that days when I used to write in a real live journal...but I use LJ now. I thought I'd blogger it up for a change.

Life is great. Graduated on Friday. Some douchebag stole my $400 camera. My present is to go to NYC for 2 I'm stoked about that. I also have a trip to Oakland/Berkeley/San Fransico with my sister planned in July, for 5 days I think.

I'm in the kind of mood where I want to do something spontaneous. I'm controlling the urge. It seems that whenever I get the urge to be spontaneous, I break the law. If I fight the law, the law will win. You know how the song goes...

I have to go do 50 thank you cards, and clean the house.

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