Monday, March 02, 2009

How can a person call another person whack?


I'm back, my friends. Let's be honest...I never told anyone I had a blogger to begin with. I haven't updated this thing in years.

I'm in my little office at home, eating chips all hunched over like Quasimoto. I'm such a loser. I hope no one can see me.

So, I'm on spring break and let me tell you: we had a blizzard last night. I'm stuck working at Market Casket (Ghetto Basket) and it's actually not that bad. It will be nice to have $$$ in my pockets.


In other news, Ally and I are now completely obsessed with Jorma and the Lonely Island in general. The worst part of my day was reading the Globe and hearing that they were in Fanheuil Hall ON FRIDAY NIGHT. God DAMN. I felt like punching everyone. I almost blacked out in rage. Truth.

19 days until I am not longer a teenager. :(

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